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News from New South Wales

New South Wales Wallball Report

The New South Wales Wallball scene is always looking for a game. We have loyal, passionate players eager to share and grow Wallball State and Nation wide. To learn more about Wallball New South Wales, visit the "Play Today" on the header above or within our home page. To find courts simply click "Court Locations" found both in the header above and our home page again. If you want to talk to our New South Wales representative, Jean-Paul Baggio email

Thomas Treacy is in town

Mount Talbot club member Thomas Treacy is showing all our Sydney wallballers his famous kill shots! It was a truly international event with an American and a Australian joining Thomas for a few games of 1-Wall in Sydney. It was just aswell he got some training in the Mattie McDonagh Centre before he left in December

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